Innovative and Sustainable Cluster for Olive Value Chain (OASIS)

The project, which is supported by the European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA) under the Single Market Program (SMP), is carried out by a consortium consisted of Türkiye-Italy-Spain under the coordination of Izmir Commodity Exchanges (ICE). The project, which will be implemented for 36 months between 16 May 2024 - 15 May 2027, aims to improve the production and management competencies of SMEs operating in the field of olive growing in 3 implementation countries and to increase their adaptation to technological methods and to improve their sustainability by creating clusters.
General Objectives of the project are:
- Reaching out 150 SMEs in olive sector to develop their sustainability skills in the selected themes,
- To create and cultivate 'European Agri-food Sustainability Cluster Partnerships' aimed at facilitating the adoption of the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices among small and medium-sized enterprises,
- To decrease the vulnerability of food production systems to external factors, such as adverse weather events linked to climate change, while harnessing the Farm to Fork Strategy's goal of fostering sustainability,
- To enhance the adoption of resource-efficient technologies by SMEs by identifying and implementing measures to enhance the efficiency of material utilization in processes; incl. preventing and reducing (food) waste and losses,
- To stabilize the food supply chain, reduce production costs, and foster a more competitive and resilient marketplace by developing and implementing strategies to improve resource efficiency and reduce food waste.
Activities to be implemented:
- Establishing a sustainable assessment methodology for the olive sector
- Identification of good examples that have already been implemented
- Establishing a cooperation network between agri-food [HR1] technology centers
- Field visits in Turkey, Italy and Spain
- Holistic support activities (awareness raising for SME employees, trainings on resource efficiency, waste management, cleaner production approaches and process management)
- One-on-One Support Activities (mentoring support by Green Transformation Experts)
At the end of the project, it is aimed at achieving:
- Improving the sustainability competencies of a total of 150 SMEs,
- Establishment of 50 cooperation partnerships,
- Identifying 10 existing good practice examples and promoting them among other SMEs
- To develop 35 good practice examples between olive and olive oil producers from Türkiye, Italy, Spain.
Project Coordinator: Izmir Commodity Exchanges (ICE)
Project Consortium Partners:
Izmir Agriculture Technology Center (ITTM)
Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva (CTNC)
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM Bari)
Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per la Spagna (CCIS)