
Geographical Indications Registry


1.1. What is Geographical Sign Registry?
    1.1.1. Designation of Origin
    1.1.2. Geographical Indication
1.2. Advantages of Geographical Sign Registry
1.3. Legal Basis of Geographical Sign Registry in Türkiye


2.1. Aegean Cotton
    2.1.1. Aegean Cotton Certificate
2.2. Aegean Sultanas
2.3. Aegean Fig

2.4. Urla Sakız Artichoke


1.1. What is Geographical Sign Registry?

Geographical sign is a sign indicating a product identified with region, area, zone or a country where it is resided in with respect to its specific feature, fame or other properties. 

Geographical sign registry is done as Designation of Origin and Geographical Indication.

1.1.1. Designation of Origin

The name of region, area, zone or country as the origin of a product is called as “designation of origin”. In order to take such kind of a sign; a product should have following features,

  1. A product should have originated from region, area, zone or in very special occasions a country specified with geographical boundaries,
  2. All or essential features of the product should have originated from specific natural or human characteristics of that region, area or zone,
  3. Production, treatment and all other processes of the product should be done in the boundaries of that region, area or zone.

Product having all these characteristics can be registered and protected as “designation of origin”.

1.1.2. Geographical Indication

In order to be registered the name of region, area, zone or country of a product as “geographical indication”, a product should have following features,

  1. A product should have originated from region, area, or zone specified with geographical boundaries,
  2. A product should be identified with region, area, zone or a country where it is resided in with respect to its specific feature, fame or other properties,
  3. Production, treatment and minimum one of all other processes of the product should be done in the boundaries of that region, area or zone.

Product having all these characteristics can be registered and protected as “geographical indication”

1.2. Advantages of Geographical Sign Registry

Geographical sign registry has following advantages;

  • It provides protection of quality of products with geographical sign registration and realization of a production with a specific standard,
  • Producers of the region with geographical sign have advantages by using priorities from the protection provided by the registry.
  • It prevents the product to be mixed with the similar products produced in other regions.
  • Products in the country and in the world can easily be recognized.

1.3. Legal Basis of Geographical Sign Registry in Türkiye 

In our country rules about protecting all kinds products within context of natural, agricultural, mine and handcraft products and industrial products conforming to specific definitions and conditions are regulated by Decree No. 555 dated 24.06.1995 of Cabinet and issued application regulations related with it, based on power given by Decree No. 4113 dated 08.06.1995.  
Turkish Patent Institute is authorized for evaluation of applications and studies related with geographical sign registry.




At studies and evaluations of İzmir Commodity Exchange in the beginning of 2002, it was concluded that it would be useful for cotton, sultanas and dry fig (sarilop type) among the traditionary agricultural products of our region to take geographical sign registries. The basic support of our research is that they have nationwide and worldwide reputation with their quality and that these products of our region have different properties with respect to other regions and/or countries.
Furthermore, it is considered that as a leader to development of Commodity Exchange in our country and realizator of many projects in the Turkish agricultural sector since its foundation in 1891, İzmir Commodity Exchange should have responsibility for protection and provision of reputation of traditional products of our Region.
It was decided that study of geographical sign registry would be the most correct method of realizing together with cooperation among the institutions related with products at our region. For this objective, a meeting was held with 51 institutions which we considered closely related with three products at our region. In this meeting it was agreed on recommendation that applications should be with expressions as “Aegean Cotton”, “Aegean Fig” and “Aegean Sultanas”.
The files prepared for three products were submitted to Turkish Patent Institute on the date of 06.02.2003 and our announcemets related with application were issued on Official Gazette no. 25181 dated 27.07.2003.
As a conclusion; our applications were concluded succesfully

    • By letter dated 29.11.2004 of Turkish Patent Institute that application of geographical sign registry for sultanas has been approved starting from date of 06.02.2003 under expression of “Aegean Sultanas”,
    • By letter dated 24.05.2005 of Turkish Patent Institute that application of geographical sign registry for Aegean cotton has been approved starting from date of 06.02.2003 under expression of “Aegean Cotton”,
    • By letter dated 13.06.2006 of Turkish Patent Institute that application of geographical sign registry for fig product has been approved starting from date of 27.07.2003 under expression of “Aegean Fig”.


    2.1. Aegean Cotton

    With this study, cottons are registered as “Aegean Cotton” produced in all  towns of İzmir, all towns of Ayd?n, Center, Ahmetli, Akhisar, Alasehir, Demirci, Gölmarmara, K?rka?aç, Salihli, Saruhanl?, Soma and Turgutlu towns of Manisa, Dalaman, Fethiye, Köyce?iz, Milas, Ortaca and Yata?an towns of Mu?la, Center, Akköy, Buldan, Çal, Honaz and Sarayköy towns of Denizli, Center, Ayval?k, Band?rma, Bigadic, Burhaniye, Edremit, Gömeç, Havran, Kepsut, Manyas and Susurluk towns of Bal?kesir, Center, Ayvac?k, Eceabat, Ezine, and Gelibolu towns of Çanakkale and Karacabey town of Bursa.  
    After the application was approved, studies begin on execution. With this objective,

    1. İzmir Commodity Exchange Aegean Cotton Geographical Sign Using Regulation
    2. İzmir Commodity Exchange Aegean Cotton Geographical Sign Control Regulation
    3. Agreement on Using Aegean Cotton Geographical Sign

    Were prepared and were approved in the meeting of İzmir Commodity Exchange dated 21.10.2005 .
    Geographical sign logo stating “Aegean Cotton” is started being used by following two companies which are members of our Exchange:
    1) BİRPAŞ Birlik Pamuk Tekstil Ya? Un ve Zirai Ürün. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. (Tel: +90 256 518 10 96)
    2) Genel Pamuk Ç?rç?r ve Tar?m Makineleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. (Tel: +90 232 842 01 20)
    3) CUMHUR KARAKAŞ Karaka? Ç?rç?r Fabrikas? (Tel.: +90.232.842 00 39)
    4) BİRCANLAR Ta??mac?l?k, Petrol Ürünleri, Pamuk Ç?rç?r, Tekstil, Dokuma San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. (Tel.: +90.232.688 00 54)
    5) S.S. TARİŞ Pamuk ve Ya?l? Tohumlar Tar?m Sat?? Kooperatifleri Birli?i (Tel.: +90.232.463 55 00)


    2.1.1. Aegean Cotton Certificate

    İzmir Mercatile Exchange, aiming that Aegean Region cotton which its quality has been accepted  worldwide should turn into trademark, supports “Aegean Cotton” geographical sign application by

    “Aegean Cotton Certificate”. 
    This certificate was prepared by İzmir Mercatile Exchange and presented to the use of companies under the  “Aegean Cotton” geographical sign execution with specific conditions.  





    As it is known, cotton is an agricultural product as the most important raw material of textile and apparel industry, the engine of Turkish economy and as the main support of nearly 120 thousand family providing their living. One of the reasons that textile and apparel industry is highly developed in our country and that this sector is known as one of the few suppliers in the world is our cotton production in considerable quantity and high quality. 
    As a matter of fact, Aegean Region cotton has won rightful reputation in the nation and in the world by the special features it possesses. İzmir Commodity Exchange, attempted to protect the reputation of Aegean Region cotton in control of Turkish Patent Institute, and caused registration of cotton as geographical sign registry with “Aegean Cotton” marking. The objective for taking this sign is to prevent confusion of interregional cotton and to prevent illegal competition, and to increase the quality of raw materails of our industrialists.  
    Furthermore, this demand formed many years in nationwide has also come from foreign companies in recent years. As a matter of fact, some foreign buyers state that it would be a reason for preference for themselves that a control mechanism until final product is formed and that mechanism gives a warranty for final product to be produced from Aegean cotton.   
    In our region, registry of “Aegean Cotton” geographical sign realized by 30 institutions related with the subject consisting of state enterprises, civil society organizations and universities means the companies using this sign are subjected to continuos and uninformed control.  By using this sign, cottongin plants guarantee to our Exchange and consequently to you that they use only Aegean cotton as they are strictly controled by İzmir  Commodity Exchange and in case of any default they face strict penal sanctions.
    Based on the above explanations, preference of cottons with “Aegean Cotton” geographical sign logos by the companies using cotton as raw material shall also be a reason for preference for weaving and ready made garment plants forming the higher stages in textile and apparel industry, too.  
    For this reason it would be useful for our industrialists concerned with this subject demanding Aegean Cotton should prefer and buy cottons with logo under the control of our Exchange. 


2.2. Aegean Sultanas 

With this study, Sultanas are registered as “Aegean Sultanas” produced in all towns of Manisa, Kemalpa?a, Menemen, Menderes, Bay?nd?r, Torbali towns of İzmir, Çal, Çivril, Güney, Buldan, Bekilli towns of Denizli.    
After the application was approved, studies continue for preparing execution regulations.


2.3. Aegean Fig

With this study, Sarilop figs are registered as “Aegean Fig” produced in all  towns of Aydin, Torbali, Bay?nd?r, Kiraz, Ödemi?, Tire, Beyda?, Selçuk towns of İzmir. 
After the application was approved, studies continue for preparing execution regulations.


2.4. Urla Sakız Artichoke

Urla Sakız Artichoke is a vegetable rich in potassium. It is cultivated in many cities in Türkiye. However, the most distinguishing feature of Urla Sakız Artichoke is its early growth and soft flavor. The harvest, which starts in November, continues until the end of April.


