
The Amount Of Premium For Sustainable Cotton Production Must Be 75 Kurus

World cotton prices fell to the lowest price in recent years, cotton prices in Türkiye was directly affected by this situation also. Therefore, Chairperson of Izmir Commodity Exchange Işınsu Kestelli and Board Member Şeref İyiuyarlar made an explanation for the current situation . Işınsu Kestelli who  indicated that the most important reason for the decline in world cotton prices is increasing world transfer stock, said: “China is taking the lead role in the stock. The decision to put quotas on China's cotton imports has caused the decline in cotton prices. Importing cotton, which has been current surplus and the raw material of textile industry, influence us deeply as an agricultural country. In such an environment our cotton producers is in a serious struggle. The most important factors affecting the sustainability of cotton production high production costs.” Kestelli payed attention that the average annual consumption of textile sector in Türkiye is 1.5 million tons and half of it is imported cotton fiber, so cotton prices in the country inevitably in line with world cotton prices.


