
'Urla Sakız Artichoke' GI was introduced at OLIVETECH

İzmir Commodity Exchange (ICE) participated at the 8th Olive, Olive Oil, Dairy Products, Wine and Technologies Fair (OLIVTECH), which took place between 9 and 12 May 2018. In the stand opened by İzmir Commodity Exchange, the E-Commodity Bazaar electronic commodities trading platform developed by the ICE to improve the electronic trading of agricultural and food products at the national and international level was introduced to the visitors, and 9 member companies of the ICE operating in the field of trading of olive and olive oil had the chance to display their products throughout the fair.

In addition, the ICE organized a tasting activity at the fair area where Urla Sakız artichoke, which is one of the most significant products of the peninsula and the Aegean region, was promoted and brought to the taste of visitors under the 'GOURMET IZMIR' concept.

In this activity, the ICE Advisor Dr. Pınar Nacak made a presentation, introducing the Urla Sakız artichoke, which the ICE registered as a geographical indication in 2017, and explaining the effect of the registration of geographical indications on the competitiveness and brand value of agricultural products.

Following her presentation, Ms. Gonca Ilıcalı from Turkish Patent and Trademark Office and Dr. Fahri Yemişçioğlu from Ege University Department of Food Engineering informed the visitors about the geographical indications and the characteristics of Erkence olive oil, respectively. Ms. Pelin Omuroğlu Balcıoğlu also made a speech about Urla Sakız Artichoke and Erkence Olive Oil, which is one of the rare products of İzmir Peninsula, and tasted the speciality of Chef Tolga Kamiloğlu, which he prepared using these two products: Sakız Artichoke and Erkence Olive Oil. The event attracted great interest of the visitors.

During the OLIVTECH Fair, the ICE stand was visited by Mr. Ercan Korkmaz, deputy chairperson of the Board of Directors of the ICE, the Treasurer Mr. Bülent Uçak, Deputy President Mr. Güngör Şarman and the representatives of the other chambers and commodity exchanges. The fair also brought together the sector representatives, who had the chance to hold bilateral talks and pay mutual stand visits.


