
ICE comes together for the Traditional Family Day

Organizing various events annually in order to keep the motivation of the employees at the highest level and develop the sense of belonging by enhancing the in-house communication, İzmir Commodity Exchange (ICE) held the 4rd Traditional Family Day in this respect for the employees and their families. During the event which was held in Çeşme on 7-8 October 2017, many fun activities and family olympics that lasted all day and were widely participated by all were organized for the employees, their families and the directors of the Exchange.

Ercan Korkmaz, deputy chairperson of the Board of Directors, the Treasurer Bülent Uçak, the Secretary General Dr. Erçin Güdücü, Deputy Secretary-General Sinem Çelikten and employees and their families attended the event.

The Treasurer Mr. Bülent Uçak, who threw the opening speech at the event, said, "What we have aimed to achieve with this Traditional Family Day event, which we organize every year for our employees, is that we wanted to add new happy moments to our lives, create merry memories of each other and our Exchange, and move away from the daily work stress and fatigue by enjoying our time joyfully all together".

Having stated that being a part of an institution that's Türkiye's first commodity exchange was a great honour and responsibility for them, Mr. Uçak added, "We remember with respect all our predecessors and employees, and wish to carry this flag even further together with all of you."

Following the opening speech, various field races were held among the teams comprising family members of the employees, and a backgammon tournament was organized for the individual participants. While the Secretary General Mr. Erçin Güdücü and Mr. Mustafa Serin, director of the Registration Department, ranked first in the Dart and Backgammon Tournaments, respectively, the team called 'Tontişler' won the Bocia Game and the group called 'Su Kuşları' defeated all other competitors in the team races that comprised various field activities. The winners of entertaining family olympics games that lasted all day received their medals from Mr. Ercan Korkmaz, deputy chairperson of the Board of Directors, and the treasurer Mr. Bülent Uçak. At the end of the event, the ICE family stood together to take a photograph in memory of the day to immortalize the joyful moments they had in these two days.


